Arquivo is a graphic design studio that works mainly in the editorial area developing graphic projects and designing books, catalogs and reports —printed and digital— for small and large companies. It also makes visual identity projects creating brands, stationery, websites and printed or digital publications for business and institutions in different segments.
Composition Longe
Book Tem gato na tuba
Book cover Debates latino-americanos
Composition A cabeça nas nuvens
Composition Coleção Todos os livros de Machado de Assis
Book cover Os funcionários
Composition Cadernos Hexágono
Book cover A ofensiva sensível
Magazine Laranja Original #7
Composition Diário das coisas impossíveis
Composition A árvore das coisas
Book collection Três vezes 22
Website Fio Comunica
Book and ebook Introdução à filosofia de Spinoza
Magazine Laranja Original #6
Website Dolores Editora
Composition Manolito
Composition Onde vive a arte na América Latina
Book cover Pluriverso
Branding Liff casas
Magazine Laranja Original #5
CD Quânticos 2
Branding Ateliê Gira
Magazine Plano Popular Jardim Helian
Book cover Donos do mercado
Composition Meu tio chega amanhã
Composition Triz
Book cover Museu da infância eterna
Book cover Herdando uma biblioteca
Book and ebook Pedras no chão
Composition Feio, eu
Composition Odontoprev, Rede D'or, Edenred, Movida and Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz annual reports
Annual report Sustenidos 2019
Composition Dias felizes
Calendar Arquivo 2020
Book cover A criança orquídea
Book cover Sobre comunicações e artes ECA 50 anos
Branding Futura Estúdio
Book cover Bruno Palma, o escolhedor de palavras
Signage Design Arena Cowork
Composition Madalena
Book and ebook Simplicidade impessoal
Catalogue Laranja Original 2019
Book Makunaimã
Book collection Prosa de cor
Mobile presentation Revolução da floresta
Book Todo poema é de amor
Playlists covers Compact List Digital Stream
Book Anton Reiser
Calendar Arquivo 2019
Book ,Entretanto,Book and ebook Singularidades criadoras
Composition Cadernos técnicos de referência para o Ministério das Cidades
Composition Apresentação do Debate dos presidenciáveis 2018 Gazeta, Estadão, JP e Twitter
Magazine SuperInteressante Especial CrossFit
Catalogue Laranja Original 2018
Book Instante eterno
Composition Esse obscuro objeto do desejo
Book Dez contos de Cláudio Furtado
Composition Animações para o programa Sabor em Jogo
Website André Bonani
Book Memória do tempo
Book A infância dos dias
Branding HT Arquitetos
Wedding identity Joice & Vinicius
Composition A psicanálise e os lestes
Branding Arquipélago
Composition Box Teatro completo de Nelson Rodrigues
Composition O menino perfeito
Book collection Poetas Essenciais
Branding Bossa Nova HostelNewspaper Jornal da Hora
Book Além do PT
Branding Expo Personal Boards
Art direction Editora Canhoto
Art direction Mini editora
Posters Wes Anderson
Magazine Relida
Branding Personal Boards
See featured projects here.
Our clients
Todavia, Carambaia, Objetiva, Nova Fronteira, FTD, Editora Abril, Revista SuperInteressante, Editora Elefante, Laranja Original, Livros da Matriz, Movimenta Editora, BBM, Com-arte, Ateliê Editorial, Dolores Editora, Saíra Editorial, Logopoiese, Sustenidos, Racional Engenharia, Report Sustentabilidade, Twitter, Galeria Fortes D'aloia e Gabriel, Personal Boards, Arquipélago Arquitetos, Futura Estúdio, Ateliê Gira

Hannah Uesugi has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP and has done internship and worked in several design and graphic production studios in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, having had the opportunity to work in the teams of Márcia Signorini, João Carlos Cauduro, Didiana Prata, Rafic Farah and Jair de Souza.
In 2013 she founded the mini editora, an independent publisher committed to exploring the relationship between the written word and the space of the book object through research and experimentation with typography, paper and printing methods. Through mini, she participated in more than twenty independent publishing fairs — such as Feira Plana, Tijuana, Miolo(s), among others — and had her books exhibited in group exhibitions at CCSP and Red Bull Station, in São Paulo. Currently, it is through the mini that she publishes and sells her authorial works.
Pedro Botton studied Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP and is currently attend Publishing at ECAUSP.
Between 2011 and 2015, he worked in some graphic design studios in São Paulo, collaborating with the teams of Mooa Estúdio, Tempo Design, Teatro Oficina Uzyna Uzona, among others.
In 2014, he joined Rafael Zanatto and founded Editora Canhoto, where he is an editor and art director, producing books with left-wing literature.
In addition to working as a designer and editor, Pedro is a playlist creator for Compact List Digital Stream, a personal project where he creates themed music lists developing graphic arts related to each one.
See his full curriculum here.

Arquivo & Estante
Hannah Uesugi & Pedro Botton have been together in Arquivo since 2016 and, in 2022, they created Estante, publishing house that provides a structure for authors to publish their books independently, developing graphic projects, layout and print production of printed and digital books for authors no publisher. Learn more at estante.cc

Thanks for the message :)

Arquivo and Estante are in the Pinheiros neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil. Send us an email to schedule a conversation :)